Tuesday, September 15, 2009

FHE adventure


For Family Home Evening we have gone four wheeling a couple times out past Eagle Mountain to a place called Six Mile Pass (I think?). Each time we go it has been about the same time of night and we see two things: the gorgeous sunset and a Blackhawk helicopter! The sunset is expected and even welcomed. The Blackhawk scares me to death!

They do training exercises in our four wheeling spot, so lots of dipping down and landing (about a half mile away!). It just reminds me of movies where the helicopter starts to spray bullets at the enemy. It has HUGE guns on each side and we would be perfect target practice most of the time. It is crazy loud yet Spence and the kids love it! I have yet to get a picture of the Blackhawk because we mostly just freeze and stare at it the intire time it is around.

Spencer went out with a couple guys to ride motorcycles in the same place and the Blackhawk chased them down, then would hide from them and pop up behind a hill and fly along with them while they rode. Spencer assures me that what we have experienced when we have gone as a family is quite calm compared to feeling like the "enemy" when he went with his friends!

Who would have thought Family Home Evening would turn into this!


Mom and Dad said...

Beautiful shots. Sounds fun and exciting! Be careful.

GaiaGirl said...

Never trust the government w/your babies. Just my two cents.

FHE shouldn't become an action movie. Generally.

The photos are gorgeous!

Grandma KT said...

That would be amazing! Think of the fun the pilot was having at Spencers expense. Nice pictures! Aunt Karen

Anne said...

Wow, never a dull moment EVEN at FHE. It sounds like a ton of fun for the fam.

Ruby is looking so darn cute in that picutre! She's like a little Avery and Crew combined.