She is finally here! A week late but Ruby Lee finally came (much to her mother's happiness!). She was born on November 12th, 8 lbs 13 ounces, 20.5 inches. She is so sweet and such a calm baby. She doesn't really cry, she squeaks. We are all in love with our little girl. Her sister and older brother can't get enough! Crew thinks she is "coote" and will take five seconds to kiss her head. We are so happy to have her!
She definately looks like a can you stop at 4. She's too darn cute. Glad she is here safe and sound.
I want one!!
Love the little video of Ruby doing what babies do best: just looking around and being so quiet!
She really does have Avery's eyes!
You really should have babies!
and, once again, that last comment was not by Scott, but by his lovely and talented wife....
This is Jenni (Olson) Coberly. Did you know your brother moved into my ward here in Colorado. Crazy right? Anyway, my friend is in a play group with Joanne and she has her blog on her long story short I found you. Isn't the blogging world great! I can't believe you have four kids. You are one brave momma!! I feel very content with my three. You kids are so cute and I loved your Halloween costume! Very clever. I hope to be able to stay in touch a little better now.
Oh my goodness! SHE IS BEAUTIFUL! You have such gorgeous kids! I am glad to hear she finally arrived and everyone is doing good, hope I get to see her soon! Take care...
Congratulations! I'm glad that she finally came. She looks adorable. She was born on a terrific day! Nov 12th just happens to be my birthday. Too bad you didn't name her Ruby Aimee (ha, ha, ha!). Just doesn't have the same ring to it... Ruby Lee sounds much better. :)
She is beautiful. Congratulations! I cannot wait to meet her next month. I hope all is well. Loves to you!
PS. I left a message for you last week, I hope I have the right number!
I have seen Ruby in person, and yes, she is a lovely baby girl who is even cuter and sweeter than these photos show. She is #10 for us!
love, Granny Laurie
Congratulations! You must be one BUSY family, but aren't kids so fun! Thanks for the blog, it keeps me up-to-date, love Aunt Karen
Ruby is soo beautiful! I can't wait to meet her. Hope your family is doing well. Love and miss ya! Let's get together soon.
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