Saturday, November 8, 2008

You might have noticed

So you might have noticed our little Baby & Pregnancy Countdown Ticker is in the negatives.......Yes, yes, yes, I am OVERDUE. :) I will keep you updated.


Elliot said...

Crazy, crazy, crazy. I guess our sweet niece is just choosing to arrive in a fashionable manner. No harm in that, right? I'm sure she'll be worth the wait....but in the meantime, you could do what Kristin did the night Lia came: eat jalapenos and bounce on a fitness orb!

Scottypancakes said...

We've been wondering about Ruby and if she had made her debut yet!

That is so crazy! She just wants to stay in heaven as along as possible! Does this in any way reflect her actual personality?! Maybe she is more shy than stubborn...

If nothing else, it proves how strong your body is! You go Wonder Woman!

JoMama said...

oh, and that last comment was by me, not Scottypancakes!

Natalie said...

My mom told me the story. My heart goes out to you. You know me- I CANNOT wait for my due date (literally). Anyway... we can't wait to hear the exciting news! Good luck!